On Thursday, Nov. 20, at 11 a.m. in Emery Gymnasium at Saint Augustine’s University, the guest speaker for the next event in the Lyceum Leadership Series Program will be The Reverend Robert Jemonde Taylor, rector at Saint Ambrose Episcopal Church, Raleigh, N.C. Rev. Taylor will discuss the history of Saint
Augustine of Hippo.
The Lyceum Series is an event that Interim President Everett Ward brought back to the university to simulate the minds of the students as well and of the faculty and staff. The president said when he introduced the series that in his days at Saint Augustine’s University, he saw the most powerful leaders in a America speak on campus and it showed him that anything was possible. The variety of speakers he saw helped mole him into the man he is today, Dr. Ward said. The president said he wants that same experience for the all students of Saint Augustine’s University.
For more information, call (919) 513-4200.
-Johna Mitchell