As students and faculty returned to Saint Augustine’s University for the fall 2016, they were met with several changes in leadership among university administrators. Our guide includes name, title, contact information and a statement from each about their goals for or approach to their job. We hope it assists you with identifying the new faces and new roles.
Dr. Gaddis Faulcon, VP for Enrollment and Student Services Strategic Initiatives 919 516-4859: “I am student centered, a graduate from St. Augustine’s University who will set higher expectations, but my main interest is high result and I love my job.”
Mrs. Carmela Cohen-Perry, Director of Financial Aid 919 516-4128: “I believe I bring a desire to see students become successful and to be everything that their creator has envisioned them to be. To see the institution, grow and succeed. That the purpose of this institution being established is fulfilled and that fulfillment is to impact the lives of young people who then become educated, empowered, and transformed who can positively impact their communities.”
Mrs. Sharon Lipscomb, Vice President of Administration 919 516-4203: “I would hope to be able to achieve an automated registration process and do away with long lines.”
Mr. Walter Davenport VP/CFO Business and Finance 919 516-4127: “With my experience working with nonprofit organizations and universities, I would bring stability in this position, a fresh look at how we operate and knowledge I perceive through the years that will guide the university as we move forward.”
Mr. Moses T. Greene, Chief Communication Officer /Assistant Professor 919-516-4447: “I want to increase media presence, empower student voice, increase presence in social media centralizing in communication processes, growing the TV and radio stations, so they can become the communication enterprise they were meant to be.”
— Jayla Lynn James