On Friday Oct. 13, the ladies of the Gamma Rho Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated held a “Pie a Delta” fundraiser in front of the MLK building mall area. For only one dollar, students were able to pie a participating Delta of their choosing and their dollar would be donated to a special cause. Delta Sigma Theta is a nonprofit Greek Lettered Sorority founded in 1913 and is primarily focused on the African-American community.
The fundraiser held by the ladies in red drew in more than 30 participants and raised over $100. “We were raising money for our chapter to host more programs for the students later in the future,” said Lorraine Henderson, a sophomore majoring in Mass Communications who is also a member of the Deltas. “The turnout was great!”.
The Deltas sat lined in a row from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. wearing hair caps and covered in plastic garments waiting to be pied in the face. The Ladies of the Delta Sigma Theta will hold more events in the future and hope that students continue to support and participate.
By: Jazmin Christie