Plans are being made for a student trip this summer to Yucatán, Mexico. The trip is part of the university’s “Study Abroad” program which stalled during the pandemic but is being rebooted.
The trip to Yucatán is being hosted by the “CIEE program” and will take place in June. The program offers many locations and activities to choose from.
The “International Studies Group” over at Shaw University oversaw the planning, which was sent in motion in February 2022. Shaw agreed to partner with Saint Augustine’s University on the trip.
This trip is open for reservations and is welcoming all majors to apply. Students and faculty can obtain seek more information about “Study Abroad” by contacting Ms. Joyce Bannerman, Director of Testing and International Services Officer, at 919.516.4680 or, or visiting Ms. Bannerman at Boyer Building Room 203B.
— Brisasha Rowland