Everyone’s favorite time of year has passed: Homecoming, a time when new students and old come together with alumni celebrating the good, the bad and the ugly in Falcon country. It was interesting to not only see current students show pride, but to see alumni from the 1930s to the early 2000s show the same pride as if they still attended the institution.
What is it about Homecoming that brings the pride out in people? Is it the spirit of the school? The reliving of old stories, such as the infamous panty raid of 1966? Who knows, but all that is matters is that it is a joyous time for all to enjoy.
The dictionary defines “homecoming” as coming home, and that’s what the alumni are doing – coming back to the place that has molded them from struggling college students into great CEOs, teachers, and entrepreneurs. They inspire hope not for the students of today – and the leaders of tomorrow.