RALEIGH NC—Interim President Dr. Everett B. Ward has brought a forum back to Saint Augustine’s University designed to stimulate intelletual thoight and debate. Called the Lyceum Series, the event is held once a month on a Thursday at 11 a.m. in Emery Gymnasium. This is not the first time Saint […]
February 2015
Love will be in the air in special broadcast
Just in time for Valentine’s Day, Lounge22, a student-run radio show powered by WAUG, is presenting “Black Love,” an advice show focusing on relationships. This event is a free and will take place in the Prezell R Robinson Library on Feb. 12, at 9 p.m. The host for this show […]
Only juniors must take ETS this year
Raleigh, NC – The ETS Examination that Saint Augustine’s University requires each year is now being given only to juniors. Previously, the test has been given to both sophomores and juniors but, this year, the ETS Committee determined they will only test juniors because juniors should have completed course work […]
Basketball teams look to up their games
The Saint Augustine’s University men’s and women’s basketball teams are looking to revamp their programs this year after rocky, up-and-down seasons last year. Coach Rachel Bullard and the Lady Falcons have been working extremely hard to improve last season’s 13-14 record. Juniors Regime McCombs and Porscha Walton have been proving […]
Falcon Forum launches paper edition
The Falcon Forum today officially launched a hard-copy edition, reviving a publication that goes back to least the 1960s but has not been active since 2005. The newspaper rolled off the presses this morning and was introduced to students in a short ceremony […]